Tag Archives: Lighting

The Hollywood Lighting Technique that will Completely Transform your Cinematography and How to Master It in about 5 Minutes

Mulholland Drive Betty lit from sunlight through a window

80% of a typical motion picture is made up of close-ups of people having conversations. And by far the most commonly used lighting setup for such a close-up shot is the far-sided key. Master this one simple lighting setup and suddenly 80% of your shots will look “Hollywood.”

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That is not the Light

Psycho Marion and Norman lit from a lamp behind them

When is a light not THE light? When it’s a light you see on screen of course.

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Tennis Anyone?

tennis balls

Cut a one inch slit in a tennis ball, squeeze the tennis ball to open it, then slip it on the end of a c-stand gobo arm (or anything else pointy you want to keep people from walking in to). Use a double crossed slit to slip tennis balls on light stand feet to protect […]

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Cables under stands

century stand

Loop the power cable from a light under the leg of the light stand instead of letting it hang free. If someone snags the cable with their foot as it runs across the floor the stand will move sideways instead of tipping over. Also a sand bag on that stand is probably a really good […]

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Horror Film in a Box

hmi movie light

In addition to the obvious elements of a creepy location, a frightening bad guy, and copious amounts of fake blood and gory makeup, every horror film ever made needs 2 pieces of equipment to set the scary mood. First is the ever-present blue-colored backlight that mimics moonlight in every outdoor night shot. If you have […]

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C-stand and Deliver

century stand

A brief guide to the mighty C-stand… C-stand legs open in a variety of ways depending on the manufacturer. Some are spring loaded with a detent and snap into the correct position. Other’s have metal stops the catch on each other as the legs are rotated. The bottom line is make sure the 3 legs […]

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Watts Up?

fresnel movie light

To quickly calculate the number of amps of electricity a given light will require use this simple* formula:

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