Tag Archives: shot composition

Matching Cut-ins

To match a wide shot with the medium shots and close-ups that show the same players or objects we use a very simple rule to avoid jump cuts in the final edit. For every change of view (moving from wide to medium or medium to close-up for instance) we change not just the focal length […]

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Framing Faces

DaVinci drawing of a man's face

Here’s a quick guide to framing shots of people’s faces using two concepts from classic photography. The first is the Rule of Thirds (or the Golden Rule) which divides the frame up into 9 equal rectangles using two vertical and two horizontal lines each 1/3 of the way in from the edges of the frame. […]

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Object Between

table lamp

When an object is between two actors in a scene, such as a lamp on a table between two players in chairs on either side, never show the object in BOTH close-up shots. Favor one person’s shot to include the lamp and the other’s to exclude it. Failing to follow this rule results in a […]

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