Tag Archives: Screenwriting

Six Pages a Day

Let’s begin our exploration of the world of movie production by taking a moment to wrap our heads around the sheer enormity of a feature film and the logistics that will be involved in bringing one to life. First off, let’s take a look at a typical feature film script. If you like, head over […]

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First, There is the Idea…

Notepad and pen with screenplay story ideas

Every great film ever made begins with a great script, so you’ll most likely need to be writing one of those…

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Steal From the Best

Cinematography Still Frames Film Grab Movie Stills Database 129 of the Most Beautiful Shots in Movie History  PS – the winner is the Shinning (1980). Movie Screen Shot My personal favorite for random inspiration (plus a fun play-along game): Screenplays Drew’s Script-o-Rama Internet Movie Script Database

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The 5 Things You Should NEVER Put in a Low-Budget Script

Mia smoking a cigarette in the movie Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction (1994) When shooting a low-budget film, you can write yourself into a huge problem down the line in production by not being careful. There are 5 things you should NEVER put in a low-budget script because they either increase costs, waste time, screw up your logistics, or get you in trouble. A scene […]

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