Tag Archives: Pre-Production

Casting Notices

Step one in casting your movie is to post casting notices where would-be-actors will see them, as cheaply as possible. In Los Angeles as of this writing that means www.LAcasting.com. Posting projects there is free and the website is very well thought out from a casting agent’s perspective. If you’re not in L.A. then well, […]

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Six Pages a Day

Let’s begin our exploration of the world of movie production by taking a moment to wrap our heads around the sheer enormity of a feature film and the logistics that will be involved in bringing one to life. First off, let’s take a look at a typical feature film script. If you like, head over […]

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First, There is the Idea…

Notepad and pen with screenplay story ideas

Every great film ever made begins with a great script, so you’ll most likely need to be writing one of those…

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