Tag Archives: The 52

Cables under stands

century stand

Loop the power cable from a light under the leg of the light stand instead of letting it hang free. If someone snags the cable with their foot as it runs across the floor the stand will move sideways instead of tipping over. Also a sand bag on that stand is probably a really good […]

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Site-Check Checklist

As you visit a prospective location take note of the following…

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Depth of Field in Depth

When you set the focus on a lens you are picking the mathematical distance to the subject that will be perfectly in focus. Depth of Field is the area in front of and behind that mathematical point that also looks in focus. Depth of Field can be shallow (only the exact subject is in focus) […]

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Your Own Personal Reference

portable video monitor

In order to develop a personal reference for both picture and sound, watch movies on a standard monitor and with standard speakers and headphones. (Make sure to choose a light-weight and portable LCD monitor which will let you plug in a set of headphones perhaps.) Then use that monitor as you shoot so you can […]

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Hair before Beauty

hair brush

When working with a limited budget (who isn’t?) consider hiring a hair stylist BEFORE a makeup artist. You’ll find most actresses can do a decent job of doing their own makeup (especially clean beauty looks) but even the best hairstyle looks awful on camera with random fly-away hairs. Have a hairstylist (or someone with a […]

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First Aid Plus

first aid kit

Purchase a basic $10 first aid kit or two to have on set. This will cover you for the basics including bandages, antiseptics, and a chemical cold pack. Make sure to add the following 3 items however: A tube of triple-antibiotic ointment (brand name Neosporin – but who buys brand name?) Apply to all nicks […]

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Matching Cut-ins

To match a wide shot with the medium shots and close-ups that show the same players or objects we use a very simple rule to avoid jump cuts in the final edit. For every change of view (moving from wide to medium or medium to close-up for instance) we change not just the focal length […]

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Framing Faces

DaVinci drawing of a man's face

Here’s a quick guide to framing shots of people’s faces using two concepts from classic photography. The first is the Rule of Thirds (or the Golden Rule) which divides the frame up into 9 equal rectangles using two vertical and two horizontal lines each 1/3 of the way in from the edges of the frame. […]

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What’s my 20?

walkie talkie radio

Here’s a quick guide to Walkie-Talkie Talking: John for Larry, over. – “I’m John and I want to talk to Larry” Go for Larry. – “I’m Larry and I’m listening for your message” What’s your 20? – “Where the hell are you?” 10-20 at craft service. – “I’m currently at the craft service table” Roger […]

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During a take you occasionally have the urge to sneeze. Don’t. Your best bet a stifling a sneeze is to press your thump and pointer finger on either side of your nose right where you feel the bony part of your skull begin (about the mid-way between the bridge and the tip of your nose). […]

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